Starting the new year well; introducing the Sleep Spray

Starting the new year well; introducing the Sleep Spray

Set the new year with good intentions and achievable goals, not restrictions and deadlines, as modern daily life can be pressuring enough and we sometimes need a little extra help from our friend nature, to refresh and reset. 

Our NEW Sleep Spray is a light spring water and resting inducing essentials oils based spritz and well-being spray, that will help reduce stress and aid your sleep through a relaxing aroma. 

At Gaia, we understand the benefits of essential oils and how they can support our symptoms, so we have carefully considered the use of key essential oils of vertivert, lavender and marjoram in our Sleep Spray, not only to promote sleep but also the nervous system to ease anxiety and worry. 

Vertivert oil is extracted from the vertivert plant and is earthy and woody and naturally grounding, and when inhaled through aromatherapy, provides benefits for emotional traumas and shock, nervousness and insomnia. 

Lavender is a versatile essential oil, widely studied and most popularly used to promote relaxation but even has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic benefits. We use it in our Sleep Spray for its exceptional anti-anxiety and sleep aiding benefits.

Marjoram oil is extracted from a leafy herb and is also known as a ‘nerve tonic’ used for depression, dizziness, migraines, and nervous headaches and therefore used in our Sleep Spray to help with quietening the mind. 

Due to the oil, natural spring water and orange peel mix, our Sleep Spray will require a good shake before use and then hold about 30 cms from your desired area of rest, or over your pillow or bedding, lightly spraying to create an air of deep relaxation. 

For optimum use, use just before bedtime or when travelling to aid sleep, or during moments of wanted calm to quieten the mind. 

To further support your sleep, listen to your body clock to work out the right ‘go to bed and alarm clock setting times’ for you to stick to each day, and allow time during your day for meditation and reflection, for as little or as long as your days allow. 

Shop our NEW Sleep Spray here